La beta di Destiny è ormai finita, rivedremo il titolo a settembre, quando sarà disponibile la release ufficiale.
Quello che però abbiamo è un elenco di tutte le mappe, aree e missioni scoperte finora messe insieme dall’utente di Reddit “KingOfCarrotFlowers” ottenuti grazie alla combinazione tra le informazioni di gioco e la companion app.
Ovviamente l’elenco non è completo visto che quella che abbiamo potuto provare è stata soltando una beta, ma ci permette comunque di farci un’idea sulla vastità del mondo creato da Bungie.
In allegato l’elenco citato.
Crucible Maps
- Twilight Gap
- Rusted Lands
- Exodus Blue
- First Light
- The Anomaly
- Bastion
- Firebase Delphi
- Blind Watch
- Asylum
- Shores of Time
- The Burning Shrine
(All maps include Clash, Skirmish, Rumble, Control, and Salvage game modes)
Crucible Game Types
- Trials of Osiris (Skirmish): 3v3
- Iron Banner: 6v6.
- The Grand Arena (Rumble): 3v3
- Dead Sectors (Control): 6v6
- Ancient Relics (Salvage): 3v3
- Executor’s Challenge (Skirmish): 3v3
- Eternal War (Clash): 6v6.
- Machines of War (Combined Arms): 6v6
- The Tower
Exploration Areas
- Venus: Ishtar Sink
- Earth: Old Russia
- Moon: Sea of Storms
- Mars: Meridian Bay
- Venus: Vault of Glass (levels 27, 30, 31)
Story Missions
- A Guardian Rises (level 1)
- Restoration (levels 2, 5)
- The Dark Within (levels 3, 6)
- The Warmind (levels 4, 7)
- The Last Array (levels 5, 8)
- The Dark Beyond (levels 6, 9)
- The Sword of Crota (levels 7, 10)
- The World’s Grave (levels 7, 10)
- Shrine of Oryx (levels 8, 11)
- Chamber of Night (levels 8, 11)
The Reef (Asteroid Belt):
- The Awoken (level 10)
- A Key Awaits (level 12)
- A Stranger’s Call (levels 10, 12)
- Ishtar Collective (levels 10, 12)
- The Archive (levels 11, 13)
- Scourge of Winter (levels 11, 13)
- Eye of a Gate Lord (levels 12, 14)
- Exclusion Zone (levels 15, 17)
- The Garden’s Spire (levels 16, 18)
- A Rising Tide (levels 17, 19)
- The Buried City (levels 17, 19)
- The Black Garden (levels 18, 20)
Story Challenges
- Earth: The Queen’s Wrath (Kill Order; level 24)
- Vanguard Eagle launches a random strike at level 18
- Vanguard Viper launches a random strike at level 20
- Vanguard Wolf launches a random strike at level 22
- Vanguard Tiger launches a random strike at level 24
- Nightfall: The Devils’ Lair (levels 22, 26, 28)
- The Devils’ Lair (levels 6, 8)
- Nightfall: The Summoning Pits (levels 22, 26, 28)
- The Summoning Pits (level 12)
- Nightfall: The Nexus (levels 22, 26, 28)
- Nightfall: Winter’s Run (levels 22, 26, 28)
- The Nexus (level 14)
- Winter’s Run (level 14)
- Nightfall: Cerberus Vae III (levels 22, 26, 28)
- Cerberus Vae III (level 18)
- Dust Palace (level 18)
- 262 helmets
- 178 chest armors
- 217 class items
- 244 gauntlets
- 181 leg armors
- 169 primary weapons
- 120 special weapons
- 85 heavy weapons
- 74 ships
Fonte: Dualshocker