Dopo l’open beta di Ghost Recon Wildlands, Ubisoft ha pubblicato una patch di aggiornamento che va ad aggiustare alcuni piccoli difetti riscontrati dopo che il titolo fosse andato in fase gold.
Andiamo a vedere quali sono i contenuti di questa patch. Una prima parte di modifiche riguarda esclusivamente la versione PC, con migliorie e ottimizzazioni varie.
In aggiunta sono stati risolti alcuni problemi con delle missioni che non venivano sbloccate a dovere, impedendo la progressione nel gioco. Le ultime modifiche vanno a ritoccare leggermente l’esperienza di gioco e di guida.
Ecco la lista completa delle patch notes:
1. PC Version
A great number of improvements have been made to the PC version of Ghost Recon Wildlands since the Open Beta. Some examples of fixed issues:
- Vehicle improvements
- Ramming debug and improvements
- Destruction debug
- Handling still ongoing
- Graphic glitches
- Several multi GPU graphical corruptions
- Stability
- Performance and graphic optimizations
- Reduced crashes
- Player experience:
- Fluidity in game
- Weapon optimizations
- PC Control optimization
- Anti-cheat protection optimization
2. Gameplay & Missions
We fixed various progression blockers and immersion breakers for our missions.
3. Co-op & Connectivity
Various co-op fixes regarding missions synchronization, replication, and online mechanics.
4. Player experience
We worked on several aspects in order to improve the player experience:
- Vehicle improvements
- Ramming debug and improvements
- Destruction debug
- Handling still ongoing
- Weapon optimizations
- Graphic glitches fixed
Some exposition adjustments were made in order to ensure clarity and ergonomics, specifically on:
- Lobby
- TacMap
- Cartel Overview
- We also added pop-ups to document the player on the game progression.
5. Stability
We have kept working on improving the game’s stability through:
- Various crash fixes
- Performance improvements
- Framerate improvement
- Stream improvement
- Memory optimization
Fonte: Ubisoft