Leonard Nimoy si è spento nella giornata di ieri, lasciando un vuoto incolmabile sia sulla navetta Enterprise, sia nei nostri cuori. In molti hanno dedicato qualche parola e qualche immagine per ricordare la figura dell’iconico attore e l’industria videoludica non è stata da meno. Konami, Major Nelson, Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, John Smedley e tantissimi altri hanno manifestato tramite Twitter la propria ammirazione per il “Signor Spock”, porgendogli l’ultimo saluto.
Thank you for inspiring us to boldly go where no man had gone before. #RIPLeonardNimoy pic.twitter.com/Ih6l4D7snl
— Mass Effect (@masseffect) 27 Febbraio 2015
Heartbroken at the passing of Leonard Nimoy. He was the grandfather of my love for all things science-fiction. — David Gaider (@davidgaider) 27 Febbraio 2015
RIP Leonard Nimoy #LLAP and Thank you! pic.twitter.com/hUbXDg2GiD
— Konami (@Konami) 27 Febbraio 2015
Leonard Nimoy and myself in the recording studio for Star Trek: Judgment Rites. He’ll be missed. pic.twitter.com/4FEyidgJ3u — Brian Fargo (@BrianFargo) 27 Febbraio 2015
Sad to hear about Leonard Nimoy, but at least he lived long and prospered. Hope I make it to 83.
— Vince Zampella (@VinceZampella) 27 Febbraio 2015
Rest in Peace #LeonardNimoy – https://t.co/n0tVAKBoMU LLAP — The Banner Saga (@StoicStudio) 27 Febbraio 2015
o7 Mister Nimoy, you will be missed. pic.twitter.com/Ah0Bn0LNGP
— EVE Online (@EveOnline) 27 Febbraio 2015
Leonard Nimoy: We have been, and always shall be, your fans. https://t.co/Vd0Yih1hTe — Obsidian (@Obsidian) 27 Febbraio 2015
Leonard Nimoy, you brought joy to the world. Today we mourn the loss of you. You have been, and always shall be, our friend.
— Star Trek Online (@trekonlinegame) 27 Febbraio 2015
Do something kind & wise for someone you love today. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Mr. Nimoy, who showed us the stars. — Champions Online (@ChampionsFFA) 27 Febbraio 2015
“The miracle is this: The more we share, the more we have.” RIP Leonard Nimoy. You will be missed. #LLAP pic.twitter.com/28sbnGEVnC
— Civilization (@CivGame) 27 Febbraio 2015
RIP Leonard Nimoy. Thank you for the wonderful job you did playing Spock — John Smedley (@j_smedley) 27 Febbraio 2015
*Sigh* Leonard Nimoy passed away. I could be sad and weepy, but I think I’ll raise a glass and watch this instead: http://t.co/WAMrCivjOS
— Aksys Games (@aksysgames) 27 Febbraio 2015
Live long he shall, prosper he did. We’re the better for your presence in our culture Leonard Nimoy.
— Austin Wintory (@awintory) 27 Febbraio 2015
RIP @TheRealNimoy 🙁 http://t.co/GgdHokGseS
— Larry Hryb (@majornelson) 27 Febbraio 2015
Found my old book of Leonard Nimoy poetry! pic.twitter.com/frUB9M6j6R
— Tim Schafer (@TimOfLegend) 27 Febbraio 2015
RIP Leonard Nimoy. #LLAP pic.twitter.com/1EqCddcdfH
— Troy Baker (@TroyBakerVA) 27 Febbraio 2015
“Change is the essential process of all existence.” – Dr. Spock pic.twitter.com/j9miQbshgg
— Ashley Johnson (@TheVulcanSalute) 27 Febbraio 2015
FONTE: Dualshockers